Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Similar to Jack Nicholson in the Shining, the idiots have taken over the asylum of political discourse and debate in this nation.

No matter how sophomoric the topic, the moronic come to the fore with conspiracy theories light years removed from fact which are so bizarre in and of themselves that it stretches credibility beyond any bounds of logic or elasticity. Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone seem rational in comparison to some of these zealots, with whose perverted logic some of Il Duce's blackshirts would probably identify.

Some of these wackos question Hawaiian issued birth certificates, and refuse to let children hear a Presidential address substantially similar in content to those delivered earlier by Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush the elder. These are people who have abandoned rational thought on the barricades of boisterous bile spewing irrationality, while simultaneously cheapening the value of civil political discourse as they remain unable to respond to the query posed some weeks ago by Barney Frank of Massachusetts: "On what planet do you spend the majority of your time?"

These same rabid commentators are also of the ilk that cling to the absurdly thin reed rooted in fiction that a public health insurance option would result in catastrophic destruction of our health delivery system while exiling 'grandma' to a Mengele like system of euthanasia. They say revising our system would result in rationing health care delivery, which is just what is being done today in the current system where medical decisions are increasingly being made by insurance companies rather than physicians, and where profits that cure the bottom line of health insurance carriers are more important than curing the sick among our fellow citizens; insured and uninsured alike.

In a nation where many cannot intellectually differentiate between 'news' and entertainment content masquerading as 'news', which pseudo-news seemingly flows like projectile vomit, how do you rear children to have respect for societal institutions including the presidency, if the parental watchdogs over these same children are more rabid, venom and hate filled watchdogs than they are rational, sedate, and reasonable guard dogs of what's best in American society?

Over the course of human events, those more comfortable in abandoning their abilities to reason have been easily led astray by those who know how to manipulate and appeal to the basest of human nature, and have often emerged for a time at the apex of their then contemporary political pinnacle. Some eventually move on to such distinguished positions as guest performers on shows like 'Dancing with the Stars.'

However, while it may take too much time for some, reason, facts, and evidence eventually emerge. Eventually they undercut the specious reasoning of these phony prophets of political punditry, and like the Hindenburg, these entertainers masquerading as journalists and their political lackeys are eventually exposed as windbags full of as much hot air as was that dirigible.
"The nation whose population depends on the explosively compressed headline service of television news can expect to be exploited by the demagogues and dictators who prey upon the semi-informed," The late Walter Cronkite in his 1996 memoir, "A Reporter's Life."

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