Tuesday, December 29, 2009


In light of the Christmas day attempted terrorist act on a NW flight, operated by Delta in bound to Detroit, it is well past time that the perpetrators of political correctness were selectively ignored in the public debate, and that rational law enforcement and other homeland security personnel resort to necessary forms of profiling of certain potential perpetrators of terror-after becoming satisfied that Constitutional protections are safeguarded for all concerned publics.

Likewise, Constitutional scholars should be consulted to help formulate a policy whereby those charged with attempted terrorist acts upon US flag carriers or other US entities would be tried by a military tribunal, consistent with the Uniform Code of Military Justice, in lieu of civilian trial courts with their simultaneous grant of Miranda rights, and other Constitutional protections afforded civilian criminal defendants.

As part of such a plan, the death penalty should be taken off of the table, inasmuch as state sanctioned killing of a convict would only render martyrdom status upon them among their fellow murderers. An exception should be crafted whereby if the person convicted of an act(s) of terror was an American citizen rather than a foreign national, that said convicted American citizen(s) would be eligible for death under statutes dealing with acts of treason.

Similarly, it is well past time that federal, state, and other political jurisdictions jettison their turf battles and territorial "turf" disputes so that all channels of information are shared across the spectrum of law enforcement when it comes to potential perpetrators of terror. Knowledge grows through discussion while misinformation fills in the blanks of silence.

The notion that a father would "yield up" his crazed son in communicating his concerns about his childs radicalization to US authorities in country in Nigeria -and that this information was not fully shared- and as such could have possibly resulted in this lunatic beging placed on the most stringent "no fly" list, is simply absurd.

If State won't share information of this nature with Home Land Security and others such as ICE, we're in a sorry state where the homeland is not secure, and if such a lunatic were to prevail, the notion of how many of our fellow citizens would then have to be "put on ice" is more than just a systemic failure of communication. It borders on negligence rising to the level of negligent homicide.

For the terrorists to win, all it takes is for a few good people to do nothing. For the terrorists to win, we'd have to substantially change how we live our lives and retreat within our national borders. That would be ridiculous. However, nothing just said should preclude the imposition of stricter security screening at airports, maritime ports, and railway stations.

If an additional pre-departure security screening necessitated delay is too inconvenient for a complaining passenger, perhaps they'd be more happy in the thought that should a terrorist succeed---eternity is forever, while a screening delay no matter how long is temporary.

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