Thursday, May 7, 2009


Self-important radio blow-hard Rush Limbaugh called upon Colin Powell to leave the Republican party and become a Democrat. I'd rather see the microphone pulled from the hands of Rush Limbaugh before Colin Powell surrendered his political membership in the GOP.

Like an adolescent, the current GOP is seeking to find itself and a new identity; an identity that would appeal to the electorate. Who better to represent a re-branded GOP with across the aisle appeal and worldwide positive name recognition than a NYC bred son of Jamaican immigrants who rose to become National Security Advisor to the President, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and ultimately the deliberately misled Secretary of State of the United States of America; the Hon. Colin Powell (USA-Ret.)?

Powell's stature casts a large shadow of positive accomplishment upon the mantle of the GOP, which is not something that can be said about the antics of the occassionally self-medicating, malevolent and bloviating blow-hard from Florida who, in a somewhat Father Couglin styled form of radio-wave fueled delusion, may imagine himself as the new voice of the GOP---if not just the de facto and de jure gate keeper and verifying authority of the bona fides of those claiming Republican Party membership.

If the GOP is serious about regaining prominence, not only do they have to fully embrace technological change and communications techniques as was done by the campaign of now President Obama, but the GOP has to revert to being a party with a truly "big tent;" accepting of party members of differing policy positions. In essence, a re-branded GOP should be inclusive and not divisive, accepting and non-ostracizing.

If the GOP moved forward embracing civility while affirmatively rejecting the politics of personal destruction, while also advocating positions of effective governance combined with minimal taxation and minimal resort to governmental intrusions into the marketplace absent a viable alternative, and communicated that message using the social media tools so prevalent today, they'd stand a better chance of prospective voters hearing their positive messages than the voters just hearing the putrid, overly personalized political punditry of a Florida based radio windbag.

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