Sunday, March 15, 2009


New York media over the past few days have cited conflicting legislation pending in the NYS legislature. One bill introduced for the last 3 years by an Assemblywoman from Queens would create a 1 year window of opportunity for alleged victims of clerical sexual abuse to file civil suits without which window they would be precluded by the tolling of the stature of limitations. A bill introduced by an Assemblyman Lopez of Brooklyn changes the gameplan, is more favored by the Church and its acolytes, but does not provide this crucial window of opportunity that lifts the statue of limitations like the lifting of a veil used to obscure realities from the faithful.

As an article in NEWSDAY of Sunday 15 March, 2009, as well as the erudite column of Joye Brown makes clear, the NYS Senate must pass the bill providing the 1 year window for civil suit filings involving clerical sexual abuse.

As Ms Brown's column citing the recent Suffolk County Grand Jury report makes clear, an on-going pattern of concealment and harassment was found by the Grand Jury to be the norm in the Diocese of Rockville Centre, where the consequences of the diocean actions were to again victimize the victim.

Failure to pass this legislation and have the governor sign it into law, will only continue an apparent diocean policy of 'omerta' where Cardinal Law's former assistant in Boston, Bishop Wm. Murphy, continues as the local stonewalling 'Godfather,' Sean Dolan continues as the media consigliere who pleads the possibility of diocean bankruptcy in an era where all sorts of "too big to fail" entities are bailed-out, and the victims are again victimized by a system that disproportionately protects the reputed perpetrators rather than protecting the victim.

In a corporation who's overseas home office recently welcomed back a holocaust denying Bishop into the good graces of the church, it's no surprise that absent civil remedies, not even the most powerful of incense will expunge the stink from Rockville Centre.

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